Form Controller Class

List Controller Class

Bulk Action Widget base class Widgets used specifically for lists

Dashboard Widget base class Dashboard widgets are used inside the DashboardContainer.

Form Widget base class Widgets used specifically for forms

Base Payment Gateway Class

Base Widget Class Adapted from october\backend\classes\WidgetBase

Filter scope definition A translation of the filter scope configuration

Form Field definition A translation of the form field configuration

Form Tabs definition A translation of the form field tab configuration

List Columns definition A translation of the list column configuration

Menu item definition A translation of the menu item configuration

Onboarding step definition This contains all the logic for creating, and accessing onboarding steps.

Manages payment gateways

Template Class

Toolbar Button definition

Admin User authentication manager

Admin User Panel

Admin User State

Widget manager

Admin Controller Class Tables

Charts dashboard widget.

Onboard dashboard widget.

Statistic dashboard widget.

Add color column on location_areas table

Add validity columns on menus_specials table

Add hash column on orders and reservations table

Set order_total_id to auto increment PRIMARY key

Set PRIMARY key on user_preferences table

Create location_areas table

Create menu_categories table

Create reservation_tables table

Remove redundant/unused columns from menu_options_values.

Drop primary key order_id and add unique keys

Modify columns on orders and reservations table add processed column rename status column to status_id on reservations

Code Editor Renders a code editor field.

Color picker Renders a color picker field.

Form Relationship

Data Table Renders a table field.

Date picker Renders a date picker field.

Map Area

Code Editor Renders a code editor field.

Media Finder Renders a record finder field.

Staff group permission editor This widget is used by the system internally on the Users / Staff Groups pages.

Record Editor

Form Relationship Renders a field prepopulated with a belongsTo and belongsToHasMany relation.

Repeater Form Widget

Rich Editor Renders a rich content editor field.

Status Editor

Admin Helper

Addresses Model Class

Allergens Model Class

Assignable logs Model Class

Categories Model Class

Coupons History Model Class

Coupons_model deprecated

Coupons Model Class

CustomerGroups Model Class

Customers Model Class

Location areas Model Class

Location tables Model Class

Locations Model Class

Mealtimes Model Class

Menu categories Model Class

MenuOptions Model Class

MenuOptions Model Class

Menu_option_values Model Class

MenuOptions Model Class

Menus Model Class

Menu Specials Model Class

Orders Model Class

Payment logs Model Class

Payments Model Class

Reservations Model Class

Reviews_model deprecated

Reviews Model Class

StaffGroups Model Class

Staffs Model Class

Status History Model Class

Statuses Model Class

Tables Model Class

Users Model Class

Working hours Model Class

Form Model Widget Trait

Has Authentication Trait Class

Widget Maker Trait Class

Class Filter

The server-side data source for the Table widget.

Class ActivityLogServiceProvider

Activity Model Class

LogsActivity model trait

Manages assets.

Caches an asset to avoid the cost of loading and dumping.

A collection of assets.

An asset collection.

An asset has a mutable URL and content and can be loaded and dumped.

A reference to an asset in the asset manager.

A base abstract asset.

Represents an asset loaded from a file.

A collection of assets loaded by glob.

Represents an asset loaded via an HTTP request.

Asset collection filter iterator.

Iterates over an asset collection.

Represents a string asset.

A simple array cache

Interface for a cache backend.

A simple filesystem cache.


Describes an exception that occurred within a filter.

The asset factory creates asset objects.

Manages the available filters.

An abstract filter for dealing with CSS.

Inlines imported stylesheets.

Filters assets through CssMin.

Fixes relative CSS urls.

A filter that knows how to extract dependencies.

A collection of filters.

A filter manipulates an asset at load and dump.

A filter can implement a hash function

Filters assets through JsMin.

Filters assets by wrapping them in a self executing anonymous function.

Loads SCSS files using the PHP implementation of scss, scssphp.

Minify CSS Filter Class used to compress stylesheet css files.

CSS Utils.

Variable utilities.

Auth Manager Class Adapted from Ion Auth.

CartCondition class

TastyIgniter Database Manager Class

Query memory cache class.

Model Class

Adapted from october\rain\database\QueryBuilder

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\BelongsTo

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\BelongsToMany

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\DeferOneOrMany

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\HasMany

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\HasManyThrough

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\HasOne

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\HasOneOrMany

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\HasOneThrough

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\MorphMany

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\MorphOne

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\MorphOneOrMany

Adapted from october\rain\database\relations\MorphTo

Morph to many

HasPermalink model trait Usage: * In the model class definition: use \Igniter\Flame\Database\Traits\HasPermalink; You can change the slug field used by declaring: protected $permalink = ['permalink_slug' => ['source' => 'name']];

Purgeable model trait

Sortable model trait

The base exception class.

System Error Handler, this class handles application exception events.

This class represents a critical system exception.

File helper

Class FilesystemServiceProvider

Igniter Application Class

Ellipsoid class

Location Manager Class

This class parses Mail templates.

Generic mailable class.

Adapted from october\rain\mail\Mailer

Loads a template from an array.

Used when validation fails. Contains the invalid model for easy analysis.

Loader class

Model class.

Class PagicServiceProvider

FileParser class.

File based source.

Provides a simple request-level cache for models.

Parent class for PHP classes created for layout and page code sections.

URL Router Used in managing page routes.

Router Rule Object

Class loader

Configuration rewriter

Extendable Class


Class LogViewer Based on Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer

Class NestedKeyIterator This iterator iterates recursively through an array, returning as the current key an imploded list of the stacked keys separated by a given separator.

Pagic helper class

Methods that may be useful for processing routing activity


Adds event related features to any class.

Extendable Trait Allows for "Private traits"

Extension trait

Singleton trait.

TastyIgniter wrapper for the Laravel Validator class.

Customer Class

Main Controller Class

MediaLibrary Class

Router Class The router parses page URL patterns and finds pages by URLs.

Theme Manager Class

The view bag stores custom template properties.

Components This widget is used by the system internally on the Layouts pages.

Template Editor

MediaManager deprecated

MediaManager Class

Image_tool Model Class

Layout Template Class

This class implements a template loader for the main app.

Page Template Class

Trait HasPageOptions

Media Manager widget.

Model Action base Class

Settings model extension Based on October/ModelBehaviour Usage: In the model class definition: public $implement = ['System\Actions\SettingsModel']; public $settingsCode = 'owner_extension_settings'; public $settingsFieldsConfig = 'settings_model';

Base Component Class

Base Controller Class

Base Extension Class

Components class for TastyIgniter.

ComposerManager Class

This is the base controller for all pages.

Controller Action base Class

System Error Handler Handles application exception events.

Modules class for TastyIgniter.

Hub Manager Class

TastyIgniter Updates Manager Class

Console command to install TastyIgniter.

Console command to change the password of an Admin user via CLI.

Console command to perform a system update.

Controller Class Countries

System activities dashboard widget.

TastyIgniter news dashboard widget.

New column 'label' on mail_templates_data table New columns on activities table New column object_type on status_history table New column 'permalink_slug' on pages, categories, locations tables New column alias on layout_modules table New column 'original_id' on Languages table New column 'priority' on menu options, menu_options_values table New column 'is_default' on menu_options_values table New columns 'original_id, layout, plain_layout' on Mail Template table New column 'plain_body' on Mail Template data table

Create extension_settings table

Create language translations table

Create payments and payment_logs table and fill with records from extension data

Create the initial tables: activities, addresses, banners, categories, countries, currencies, customers, customers_activity, customer_groups, extensions, languages, layouts, layout_modules, layout_routes, locations, location_tables, mail_templates, mail_templates_data, menus, menus_specials, menu_options, options, options_values, menu_options, orders, orders, order_menus, order_options, order_totals, pages, permalinks, pp_payments, permissions, reservations, security_questions, settings, staffs, staff_groups, statuses, status_history, tables, uri_routes, users, working_hours

Create themes table

customer_id can be NULL on addresses table

Update password fields on users and customers tables Add new columns (reset_code, reset_time, activation_code, remember_token, is_activated, date_activated, last_login) to both tables Add super_user column to users table

customer_id can be NULL on addresses table

Fix nullable and other constraints on columns VARCHAR(32/128) => VARCHAR(255)

Rename existing model class_names in all tables with morph map custom names.

Fill newly created permalink_slug column with values from permalinks table Truncate the permalinks table

Assets Class * Within controllers, widgets, components and views, use facade: Assets::addCss($path, $options); Assets::addJs($path, $options);

Country Class

Activities Model Class

Countries Model Class

Currencies Model Class

Extensions Model Class

Languages Model Class

MailLayouts Model Class

MailPartials Model Class

Mail templates Model Class

MailThemes Model Class

Pages Model Class

RequestLogs Model Class

Settings Model Class

Themes Model Class

Verifies CSRF token Trait